Queensland Deputy Premier Andrew Fraser says he intends to introduce a Bill allowing Civil Unions in Queensland. While not committing his party either way (mostly because he is politically impotent as Campbell Newman makes all the decisions) Shadow Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie said:
“It's basically marriage by another name,”
“It's always been our belief, our philosophical belief and policy position, that the current marriage act as it stands … goes to the heart of the institution of marriage and we see no need to change it.”
“My initial reaction is this is just a distraction from the real issues to get him [Mr Fraser] and his people talking about issues other than what's important to Queenslanders at the moment,”
(via Brisbane Times)
Why is it that whenever someone raises the issue of Marriage Equality it is done for reasons such as ‘causing a distraction’? Why is it not a real issue? Because white, heterosexual males don't believe it is a real issue?
Don’t get me wrong the ALP is a long way behind in this debate as well. Fraser comes to the game late in his career as a political heavy in Government. Where was he with this proposal over the past five years? And where is the Federal Labor Government?
But I think the real issue is not for the State Government. The real issue is that Marriage equality is not found in allowing civil unions. Civil unions are a different, almost lesser standard. Equality and a society without discrimination is what this Country should be striving for. But it seems to me that many of our elected politicians believe it perfectly acceptable to discriminate in the area of Marriage.
Civil unions are a way of creating a patch over social injustice so people wont notice or care about the discrimination some people face. But a civil union is ALL the Queensland Parliament can do in this debate. It is up to the Federal Parliament to end this discrimination and injustice and enact marriage equality laws. Because “Marriage by another name” is not marriage.