Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Democracy: Liberal Style!

Yesterday the Coalition party room endorsed the amendments to the CPRS and will pass the emissions trading scheme this week, or at least that is what Malcolm Turnbull has told us. This endorsement is based on Turnbull's counting the number of members who spoke for the issue during their 8 hour standoff.

It is strange that one of the tenants of our liberal democracy, that majority rules, is decided in the Liberal Party by just one man. Does this sound like democracy or something else? Surely a show of hands, division of the room, secret ballot or some other method of counting the numbers whereby everyone has faith in the outcome is the democratic thing to do. Turnbull's belief, and that of many of his supporters, is that they got a majority without the need for a formal vote. But the dissidents believe the opposite. We will never know.

Transparency in politics deflects all (reasonable) criticism. Secrecy and avoidance breeds uncertainty and speculation. What Malcolm thought might be his defining moment where he asserted his authority as leader has only loosened his grip on the leadership of his party.

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