Saturday, December 15, 2012

The elephant that American's don't want to talk about

Today we saw another mass shooting in an American school. Senseless murder was committed against children in the most depraved and disgraceful manner. It brought tears to my eye watching the news.

This comes only a few months after the batman cinema shooting and only a few years after the murder of many at a political rally where a then-Senator was targeted and nearly killed. I could go on and on and on.

While these acts are horrible in the extreme it is even more disgusting the lack of political will to take on the gun reform battle.  Even when one of their own is the subject of a mass murder plot.  The affinity America has with its guns in the face of these continuous tragedies is truly mindboggling.

Now is the time to say enough is enough. Massive reform is needed now.  I just hope I'm not saying "enough is enough" again in another six months!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Queensland health payroll enquiry: A political witchhunt

Today (13/12/12) the Queensland government announced an enquiry into the Queensland health payroll debacle.  While this is truly a disgraceful series of events and probably led , inter alia, to the downfall of the Bligh government do we really want a $5 million dollar political slogfest.  How many public servants would that money have kept in a job?

This enquiry will only provide the government ample fodder with which to fire at the severely depleted opposition.  This isn't about seeing if they can recover money. The legal advice says as much.

This is politics pure and simple.

You won the election Premier. Move on and govern!

* The title in no way suggests that the Honourable Justice Richard Chesterman will conduct this enquiry in any way other than with propriety.  He is a respected jurist.  The motives are all that I question.

Julian Assange: striving for continued relevance

Julian Assange, founder of the infamous website Wikileaks, has announced plans to run fir the Australian Senate at the next election. 

My feelings on him are somewhat mixed. I think he is a self-aggrandizing megalomaniac interested primarily in self promotion. Although I don't know him so he may have pure intentions.

His website has released some state secrets that show indifference to human rights on the part of some elements of the US military.  Yet most of the controversy surrounds millions of cables that frankly have no need of being in the public domain.  They only seek to embarrass public officials. 

There is also the issue of the sexual assault complaint from Sweden. I have problems with his extradition being sought and approved in circumstances where no changes have been laid and it is for the purpose of questioning him.  Here in Australia there must be an arrest warrant prior to extradition being approved.  We have no arrest warrant for questioning.  If the Swede's wanted to charge him they should say so. If they only wanted to question chin they could have done it in England or via Skype or some other include medium. There is certainly some fears that fear he will be extradicted grin Sweden. How rational that is no one will know until it is too late for Julian Assange.

Overall, I believe that in life you reap what you sow. Assange wanted notoriety.  He certainly got it.