Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Family First: Intolerance, bigotry and bile

Say what you will of the major parties, but I would sooner vote informally than vote for Family First.  And I really cherish and value my vote. 

This week Family First Senate Candidate Wendy Francis made disparaging remarks likening same sex couples to child abuse.  She has since removed the comments from her Twitter page.  She (or as she now says her staff) wrote:

"Legitimising gay marriage is like legalising child abuse"

She has since apologised: (via: ninemsn) 

"I take responsibility for what was sent from my office and I acknowledge that the words used caused hurt and anguish for many people," she said in the statement.

"For this I sincerely and unreservedly apologise," she said.

But she went on to say she believed children were better off being raised by a mother and a father.

"I do not believe that upholding marriage or preventing children being raised in homosexual families is discrimination," she said.

"We can't govern Australia by legislation based on pleasing each group who wants things their way."

"My staff in Brisbane worded a media release on this issue. When I received the statement I felt that the language used was inappropriate and so I changed the wording.

"However due to my schedule these changes were accidentally not relayed to my Brisbane office and the wording from this incorrect release was transferred to Twitter."

Notice how she actually only apologises for the hurt her comment may have caused.  She does not distance herself from the comment or more particularly the sentiment behind it.  This is her way of saying don’t hold it against me, but this is how I feel.  Or at least this is how the people running Family First feel. 

And in her statement of "clarification" she comments that:

I hold no personal animosity against homosexuals.  The way people choose to conduct their lives is up to them and I will defend the right of every Australian to live according to their personal beliefs as long as their choices do not infringe upon the rights and choices of other Australians or the nation as a whole.

What does that mean.  Is she saying that homosexuality is a choice?  I hope not. 

But in her final insult to the gay community she says:

I reach out to those within the homosexual community and ask them to understand the thoughts and feelings of the many Australians that believe as I do. Respect and understanding goes both ways, and as we vigorously debate the issues it is important that none of us lose sight of the fact that we are all people of great value. Every Australian has a right to personal safety, respect and dignity and I extend the hand of friendship to those who share opposing views across this emotive subject.

Family First’s message to the gay community is:

Please respect us and our views even if we can’t respect you. 

Do you feel the loving embrace of Family First? 



In another development on how right wing Family First are:

Family First last night disendorsed the city-based accountant after revelations he signed a “secret affidavit” denouncing many of the party’s conservative values.

In the document Mr Barrow outlined support for same-sex marriage, mooted supporting safe drug injecting rooms, called for drug possession to be decriminalised and argued against religion being taught in schools.

He also wants same-sex couples to be allowed to adopt children and access IVF treatment and says abortion should be a woman’s choice.

(via Knox Leader Newspaper)


This is Family First.  Vote for them at your peril!

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