Monday, December 7, 2009

Abbott: Politics before anything else

Only last week Tony Abbott was installed as leader of the Liberal Party in one of the messiest spill's in recent or even distant memory. Abbott appeared stunned by his selection as Leader, but I question his actual surprise. I personally believe he went into the party room with the full knowledge that he would spoil the hopes of Joe Hockey and perhaps win in a line ball vote with Malcolm Turnbull. And that is what happened.

But will Abbott work as Leader of the Opposition. Abbott is an opportunist with one objective in mind, winning elections. He has shown this year that he places politics above his convictions. He told a Liberal Party function that "the science [of climate change] is crap" but it must be supported regardless. This was not for some puritanical reason but for base political purposes of winning elections.

Tony Abbott cannot be trusted to put forward policies that honestly reflect what is best for our country but rather a position that will further enhance his own political needs. It is now quite humorous to watch previous interviews of Tony Abbott vehemently supporting Malcolm Turnbull and his own support for the ETS.

Tony Abbott has back flipped so many times and now has no position on climate change other than a 'Just Say No' attitude. This will embolden the base but will it mobilise the middle which he needs to win an election. I doubt it. Kevin Rudd will call his double dissolution election in mid next year and get the ETS he wants, potentially without the amendments of the Liberal Party. If this occurs Abbott will be held accountable for the mistake and then Joe Hockey will step into the breach at the time he always wanted.

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